18th Century Men’s Clothing & Accessories
Last updated: Nov 27, 2024
- Breeches (and leather breeches)
- Coats
- Jackets
- Shirts (and check shirts)
- Suits
- Waistcoats (with additional pages on printed waistcoats, uncut waistcoat fronts, and waistcoats with ties or lacing on the back, and also depictions of men wearing waistcoats without coats on top)
- Striped clothing
- Bags and bag wigs
- Hats, including cocked hats and tricorn hats
- Caps, including knit caps, nightcaps, and working men’s cloth caps
- Scots bonnets
Cold-weather outerwear & accessories
Other accessories
- Aprons that button onto clothing, and blue aprons
- Banyans & nightgowns
- Button links
- Cravats
- Equipages & chatelaines, several with watches
- Garters
- Gloves
- Handkerchiefs
- Mariners’ cuffs
- Masks
- Pocketbooks
- Shirt Buckles
- Shoes & boots
- Sleeve buttons
- Smocks & frocks for farmers, haymakers, etc.
- Spangles on coats, waistcoats, and banyans
- Spectacles, and green spectacles
- Stockings (and striped stockings, clocked stockings, and ribbed stockings)
- Stocks
- Tambour embroidery
- Upcycling
- Wooden legs