New Year's Gifts for Queen Elizabeth: 1581-1582

Anno 24° Reginæ Elizabethæ, 1581-2

Juells given to Her Majestie at Newyere’s-tyde.

First, a shackyll of golde with these words graven, serviet eternum dvlcis quem torqvet eliza. And a paddlock of golde hanging by a little cheyne of golde. Geven by Mounseur. 6 oz. dim. qa.

Item, more, one flower of golde, with a white rose and a butterflye, with other flowers garnished with little sparcks of dyamonds and rubyes, and a smale saphire. Geven also by Mounseur.

Item, more, a flower of golde, garnished with sparks of rubyes and diamonds, and a hynde sitting on it with two lytle perles pendante. Geven also by Mounseur.

Item, more, a juell being a shipp of golde garnished with six fayre dyamondes, and other smale dyamondes and rubyes, the sayles spredd abrode, with a word enamuled on them. Geven also by Mounseur.

Item, a litle boke of golde enamuled, garnished and furnished with smale diamondes and rubyes, both claspes, and all hanging at a chayne of golde, viz. six peces of golde enamuled, two of them garnished with raged staves of smale sparcks of diamondes, and four of them in eche, two smale diamonds and two smale sparcks of rubyes, 16 lesser peeces of golde, in every of them a smale diamonde, and also 24 peeces of golde, in every of them four perles iwth a ring of golde to hang it by. All geven by therle of Leycetor, Master of the Horse.

Item, a payre of braceletts of golde, containing eight peeces, in every of them an amatest, and eight other peeces, in every of them a perle. Geven by therle of Arondell.

Item, a bodkyn of golde, garnished at the ende with four smale diamondes and a smale rubye, with a crown of ophales, and very smale perle pendante peare fashione. Geven by therle of Hertforde.

Item, a juell of golde, being a serpent, having two emeraldes, and the rest garnished with sparcks of dyamonds and rubyes, and a smale perle pendant. Geven by the Countes of Oxforde.

Item, a knife, and a spone, and a forke of christall, garnished with golde sleightley, and sparkcs of garnetts. Geven by the Countes of Lyncolne.

Item, a chaine of golde, with pillors and pomaunders, garnished with smale perles, in 36 of them are 10 raged perles in a peece, and 12 pomaunders, garnished with seede perles, and 48 other peeces of golde betwixt them. Geven by the Lord Howarde; all together, 13 oz.

Item, a juell of golde, being the personage of a woman, having a rubye in her belly, and the rest garnished with smale rubyes and dyamondes, and a smale perle pendant. Gevne by L. Thomas Howarde.

Item, a payre of braceletts of golde, containing 22 peeces; in tenn of them are agath hedds, and 12 of them garnet, and two smale perles in a peece. Geven by the Lady Barones Burley.

Item, a juell of golde, being a catt, and myce playing with her, garnished with smale dyamondes and perle. Geven by the Lady Howarde.

Item, seven dosen buttons of golde, two lacking; in one of them a smale perle, and in other a smale emeralde. Geven by the Lady Barones Cheynye.

Item, a juell of golde, being an armlet, with a buckyll and pendant of golde, garnihed and furnished with dyamondes and rubyes, six peeces of golde enamuled, fully furnished with smale rubyes; betwixt every of the same peeces 80 meane perle hanging unto the smae peeces and perle, 13 pendants of golde garnished with smale rubyes and smale diamondes; thone pendant is a flower of very smale urbyes, and thother of very smale diamondes, one perle broken off. And more, 144 buttons of golde, pescodd fashion, halfe part enamuled greene. Geven by Sir Christofer Hatton, Vice-chamberlayne.

Item, a payre of braceletts of golde, contayning 16 peces enamuled; in eight of them are two smale sparcks of diamonds and smale rubyes, and in the other eight are four perles in a pece. Geven by Sir Francis Walsingham, Secretarye.

Item, a juell of golde, sett with a greate white stone in it, cut losenged, and bordered rownde with smale rubyes and diamonds, with a pendaunte cut lyke a marmyzat. Geven by Sir Thomas Henage, Treasuror of the Chamber.

Item, a juell of golde, being a pomaunder, garnished with sparcks of diamonds, rubyes, and perles. Geven by Sir William Druery.

Item, two serpents of gold knytt together, with three very smale perles hanging at it. Geven by Sir Henry Lee.

Item, a flower of golde, garnished with sparcks of diamonds, rubyes, and ophales, with an agathe of her Majesties phisnamy and a perle pendante, with devices painted in it. Geven by Eight Maskers in Christmas-weeke.

Item, more, an anker of golde, garnished with sparcks of dyamondes, and a woman lying on it. Geven by the said Maskers.

Item, a cage of golde, with a hope in it. Geven by Sir Henry Cobham.

Item, abooke of golde namuled, garnished with eight amatestes. Geven by Mr. Packington.

Item, a forcke of corrall, garnished slightly with golde. Geven by Mrs. Frances Drury.

Juells geven to her Majestie at other times than New-yere’s Gifts.

First, one greene frogg, the backe of emeraldes, smale and greate, and a pendaunte emeralde, with a smale cheyne of golde to hang by. Geven by the Counties of Huntington.

Item, one shilde of agathe, garnished with golde, with 13 smale sparcks of diamonds, and a pendaunte with four smale sparks of diamonds on the one side, and on the other side of the shilde seven smale white roses with sparcks of rubyes, on the pendaunte one smale sparke of rubye. Geven by therle of Hertforde.

Item, one gauntlet of golde, garnished with smale seede perles, and sparcks of dimounds, Geven by Sir Thomas Parrat. More, two bodkynnes and two eyes, garnished with smale sparks of rubyes and dimoundes, one broken. Geven by the said Sir Thomas Parrat.

Item, one bodkin of golde skutchion-wise, garnished with smale sparcks of rubyes and dimounds. Geven by Sir Thomas Knevet, of the Pryvie Chamber.

Item, a juell of golde, garnished with smale sparcks of dimonds and a litle paire of ballance in it being broken. No reporte made who gave the same.