Gloves appear in two sets of contexts before the 16th century: in ecclesiastical and royal/ceremonial contexts, and in scenes of outdoor labor and falconry. They don't seem to be worn as fashionable accessories until the very end of the 15th century.
I've attempted to divide up the gloves by type. For additional information on the history of gloves and their manufacture, see Gloves, their annals and associations and also these links. This discussion features several images of the types of gloves worn with armor.
- Medieval leather mittens at the Historiska Museet (Sweden): 121058, 121061, 121066, 619942, 619943, and 619948
- A rabbit-hunter wearing mittens in the January fresco at Castello Buonconsiglio, c. 1405-1410
- A leather glove, 15th century, found in London; additional views 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; also here and here
- Two shepherds, early 16th century
- Two leather mittens (both for the left hand) were found in a chest on the Mary Rose (1545); see also this photo and this detail
- An infant's knit mitten, 16th century photo)
- A falconry party in the July section of the Augsburger Monatsbilder (1520s)
- Embroidered mittens (V&A 1507&A-1882), c. 1600
- Elizabethan gauntlet mittens, c. 1600
- Henry Cary, 1st Viscount Falkland by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, 1603; it's more like a mitten-backing for a pair of fancy gloves.
- Met 2009.300.4057a, b, a pair of leather mittens made in Britain in the early 17th century
- Met 2009.300.2680a, b and Met 2009.300.2681a-c, leather mittens with silk and metal-thread cuffs, made in Russia in the late 17th century
- Two shepherds (fol. 87v), men plowing a field (fol. 170r), a seed-sower (fol. 170v), a man weeding a field (fol. 172r), and a grotesque (fol. 180v) in the Luttrell Psalter (British Library Add. 42130), c. 1325-1340
- Cain ploughs a field (fol. 6r) and shepherds seeing the star (fol. 13r) in the Holkham Bible (British Library Add. 47682), c. 1327-1335
- Ploughing scene, the Macclesfield Psalter (Fitzwilliam 1-2005, fol. 77r), c. 1330
- The Offering of the Heart, c. 1410
- August in the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, 1412-1416
- Shepherds in The Nativity by Robert Campin, 1425
- Detail from The miracles of St. Leonard from the church of St. Leonhard bei Tamsweg in Salzburg, c. 1452-1461
- Detail from The Crucifixion from the altarpiece at St. Florian in Austria, c. 1475-1500
- Presentation scene, Chroniques de France et d'Angleterre (British Library Royal 14 D V, fol. 8), late 15th century
- January in the Grimani Breviary, c. 1490-1510
- Shepherds from Nativity by Nikolaus Stürhofer, c. 1505-1515
- St Cecilia and her Fiancé by Cornelis Engebrechtsz, 1518-1520
- Landsknechte by Jörg Breu, c. 1525-1530
- Robert Cheseman by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1533
- Gloves said to be those of St. Hadelin, 11th-13th century
- Gloves of Roger II, c. 1105
- Gloves of Emperor Frederick II , c. 1198
- Effigy of Richard I, c. 1199
- The Three Kings before Herod, The Murthly Hours (NLS 21000, fol. 12r), 1280s
- Glove-plaques from the tomb of Jean de Chanley, Bishop of Le Mans, 1291
- Pontifical glove of Pierre de Courpalay (Cl 10720), first quarter of the 14th century
- Bishop Wykeham's Glove, c. 1386
- Romans and their pontiffs, Ab urbe condita (BNF Fr. 271, fol. 66v), end of the 14th century
- Assassination of Onias III, Bible historiale (BNF Fr. 3, fol. 251v), beginning of the 15th century
Thane rysez the riche kynge &hellip His gloues gayliche gilte and grauen by e hemmys, With graynes of rubyes. From Morte Arthure, c. 1440
- Coronation of Leo VIII, De casibus (BNF Fr. 234, fol. 183), third quarter of the 15th century
- Allegory: The cardinal virtues, The Book of the Treasure (BNF Fr. 191, fol. 119), second half of the 15th century
- Speculum Historiale, 1463: Heretics and ecclesiastics (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 2), Miracle of Our Lady: the fat abbess (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 246), the martyrdom of St. Savinian (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 324v), St. Taurin in front of the idol (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 364v), the martyrdom of St. Pothin (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 387), St. Firmin I preaches (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 69), St. Maximinus of Trier and St. Athanasius (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 132), the dream of St. Gregory of Nazianze (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 164), the miracle of St. Martin (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 297), and the translation of St. Martin (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 393v)
- Presentation scene, The City of God (BNF Fr. 18, fol. A), c. 1469-1473
- Roboam is dubbed by the emperor, The Knight Cifar (BNF Esp. 36, fol. 165v), fourth quarter of the 15th century
- The coronation of St. Julian, The Golden Legend (BNF 244, fol. 66v), c. 1480-1490
- Gloves from the tomb of Bishop Nicolaus Shiner, 1510
- Pope Sixtus IV, St. Ambroise, St. Augustine in The Triptych of the Immaculate Conception by Jean Bellegambe, 1526
- Knit silk gloves, possibly belonging to Archbishop William Warham
- May, The Fécamp Psalter (KB 76 F 13, fol. 5v), c. 1180
- The Manesse Codex (UBH Cod. Pal. germ. 848), 1300-1330: König Konrad der Junge (fol. 7r), Herr Wernher von Teufen (fol. 69r), Herr Ulrich von Gutenburg (fol. 73r), Herr Leuthold von Seven (fol. 164r), Herr Konrad von Altstetten (fol. 249v), and Kunz von Rosenheim (fol. 394r)
- St. Martin is Knighted (see detail) by Simone Martini, 1312-1317
- Solomon teaches, Bible historiale (BNF Fr. 8, fol. 249v), c. 1320-1330
- A falconer in the Luttrell Psalter (British Library Add. 42130, fol. 159), c. 1325-1335
- A lady luring a falcon, the Taymouth Hours (British Library, Yates Thompson 13, fol. 74r), c. 1325-1335
- Gauls and the Roman envoys, Ancient history until Caesar (BNF Fr. 251, fol. 247v), second quarter of the 14th century
- The Marriage, 1350s
- Ivory mirror-back: A falconry party (Met 17.190.248), 1350-1375
- A man with a falcon, from a minnekästchen, c. 1350-1400
- From the works of Guillaume de Machaut (BNF Fr. 1584), c. 1372-1377: Machaut and his alerion, Dit de l'alérion (fol. 96v); Machaut and the lover's servant, Fontaine amoureuse (fol. 161v); The allegory of the harp, Dit de la harpe (fol. 175v)
This hand borwen ofte to trewaunde with these gentel folk. In here grete haukinge glooves thei kunne putte it and hide it. From The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, c. 1450
- Hunting quail, Tacuinum Sanitatis (BNF Nouvelle acquisition latine 1673, fol. 72v), c. 1390-1400
- The book of Modus and Ratio (BNF Fr. 1297, fols. 54r, 56v, 58r, 60v, and 71v), first quarter of the 15th century
- Young falcon perched on a gloved hand by Pisanello
- Homage of Roboam to the emperor, The Knight Cifar (BNF Esp. 36, fol. 164v), fourth quarter of the 15th century
- Hawking glove of Henry VIII
- The Maciejowski Bible, c. 1250: fols. 17v,25v, 29v, 36r, 37v, 42v, 44v
- Ahasuerus and his court, Bible Historiale (BNF Fr. 160, fol. 211), first quarter of the 14th century
- Allegory of Carnality, The Romance of Fauvel (BNF Fr. 146, fol. 12r; also 12v), 1320
- St. Leonard in front of Clovis I, The Lives of the Saints (BNF Fr. 185, fol. 126), second quarter of the 14th century
- Bible historiale (BNF Fr. 162), third quarter of the 14th century: Moses comes down from Sinai (fol. 65), Moses receives the Law (fol. 91v), Moses and the Hebrews (fol. 112v), and St. Paul preaches (fol. 225)
- Leather glove, 15th century
- Guillaume de Digulleville and Idleness, The pilgrimage of human life (BNF Fr. 376, fol. 43), second quarter of the 15th century
- Negotiations in front of Marchot, Tristan de Léonois (BNF Fr. 112(3), fol. 66), c. 1470
- Gloves which belonged to Henry VI
- Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan by Piero del Pollaiuolo, 1471
- Self-portrait at 26 by Albrecht Dürer, 1498
- Mary of Burgundy by Bernhard Strigel, c. 1500-1510
- A young man with cap and gloves by Titian, 1512-1515
- Gloves reputed to have belonged to Henry VIII
- The lute-player (St. Mary Magdalene?), first half of the 16th century
- Gloves given by Henry VIII to Sir Anthony Denny
- A lady by Paolo Cavazzola, c. 1515-1517
- Count Sciarra Martinengo Cesaresco by Moretto da Brescia, 1516-1518
- A man by Moretto da Brescia, c. 1520
- A young man by Jan Mostaert, c. 1520
- A man with a glove by Titian, 1520-1522
- Balsam harvest, The Book of Simple Medicines (BNF Fr. 12322, fol. 187v), c. 1520-1530
- A woman by Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1525
- François I, King of France by Jean Clouet, 1525-1530
- Anton Fugger by Hans Maler
- A man by Moretto da Brescia, 1526
- A lady in a green dress by Bartolomeo Veneto, 1530
- Lucrezia Sommaria by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, 1530-1532
- A Roman courtesan (Antea) by Parmigianino, 1530-1535
- Fol. 7v in the Hennessy Book of Hours, c. 1530-1540
- A member of the Wedigh family by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1532
- Charles V by Christoph Amberger, c. 1532
- A member of the Wedigh family by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1533
- A lady by Bernardo Licinio, 1533
- Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve (The Ambassadors) by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1533
- Charles de Solier, Lord of Morette by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1534-1535
- Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan (see detail by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1538
- A young woman and her little boy by Agnolo Bronzino, 1540
- A man holding gloves and a letter by Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1540
- De Vos van Steenwijk by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1541
- An unknown young man at his desk by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1541
- John Chambers by Hans Holbein the Younger, 1543
- A gentleman with gloves by Lorenzo Lotto, c. 1543
- Barbara Kressin attributed to Lambert Sustris, 1544
- White gloves attributed to the reign of Elizabeth I
By the Lady Mary Gray, 2 peir of swete gloves, with fower dosen buttons of golde, in every one a sede perle.
By the Lady Mary Sydney, one peir of perfumed gloves, with twenty-four small buttons of golde, in every of them a small diamond.
By Lichefelde, two peir of gloves perfumed. From the New Year's Gifts to Queen Elizabeth, 1577-8
By the Lady Waulsingham, 4 paire of gloves set with buttons of golde.
By Mr. William Russell, a paire of gloves, garnished with gold and sede perle. From the New Year's Gifts to Queen Elizabeth, 1578-9
By the Lady Walsingham … a peire of perfumed gloves, the coaffe ymbrodered with seed pearle, and lyned with carnation velvett.
By Mr. Doctor Lopus, a peire of perfumed gloves. From the New Year's Gifts to Queen Elizabeth, 1588-9
By Mr. Josephe Lupo, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Thomas Lupo, Josephe his sonne, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. William Warren, one paire of perfumed gloves.
By Mr. Peeter Guye, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Jerolimo Bassano, one paire of perfumed gloves.
By Mr. Anthune Bassano, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Edwarde Bassano, One paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Andrewe Bassano, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Cæsar Gallyardo, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Trochins, one paire of perfumed gloves.
By Mr. Innocent Comye, one paire of perfumed gloves.
By Mr. Richard Graves, one paire of perfumed gloves.
By Mr. Walter Pearce, one pair of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Robert Hales, one paire of pfumed gloves.
By Mr. Thomas Lupo, Peter Lupo his sonne, one paire of pfumed gloves.
From the New Year's Gifts to Queen Elizabeth, 1599-1600
- Gloves presented to Elizabeth I
- An Elizabethan glove
- Mary Tudor by Anthonis Mor van Dashorst, 1554
- Lord Darnley's cuff, c. 1555
- Mary Nevill, Lady Dacre, and her son Gregory Fienes, 10th Baron Dacre by Hans Eworth, 1559
- Glove of Mary Queen of Scots, 1560
- Alexander Farnese by Sofonisba Anguissola, c. 1560
- Charles IX, King of France from the workshop of François Clouet, 1561
- Elizabeth Roydon, Lady Golding by Hans Eworth, 1563
- Sir Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk by Hans Eworth, 1563
- Shakespeare's gloves
- Elizabeth Cornwallis, Lady Kytson by George Gower, 1573
- Woodcut of Queen Elizabeth from the Booke of Faulconcrie by G. Tuberville, 1575
- Antonius Anselmus, his wife and their children by Marten de Vos, 1577
- Nobilis Neapolitana in Jost Amman's Trachtenbuch von Nurnberg, 1577
- A man by Adriaan Key, c. 1580
- Queen Elizabeth: The Welbeck or Wanstead Portrait by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder, c. 1585
- Ein Pfalzische Edelfrauw, Im Frauwenzimmer Wirt vermeldt von allerly schnen Kleidungen, 1586
- Pair of gloves (V&A T.145&A-1931), 1590-1610
- Sir Francis Drake by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, 1591
- George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland by Nicholas Hilliard, c. 1590; notice the Queen's glove in his hat
- An unknown lady attributed to William Segar, c. 1595
- Miniature portrait of Sir Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland by Nicholas Hilliard, c. 1595
- A glove from Venice, c. 1600
- Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton by John de Critz, 1603
- Pair of gloves (V&A 1506&A-1882), made in England 1603-1625
- A pair of lady's knit gloves, first half of the 17th century
- Wedding gloves with symbols of love and marriage (Rijksmuseum BK-1978-48-A), c. 1622
- Pair of man's gauntlets (LACMA 49.45.1a-b), England, c. 1625-1650