Following are depictions and portraits of boys and girls from the Middle Ages. (The clothing & depictions of 16th century children have moved to their own page.)
Because the goal of this survey is to provide useful information on a realistic view of children’s clothing, I have avoided most allegorical or overly anachronistically-dressed children. I’ve also included links to extant clothing worn by pre-17th century children.
Take a look at the BNF’s online resources for L’enfance au Moyen Âge for late medieval (mostly 15th century) examples. More discussion on this topic at the Garb The Child LiveJournal Community.
Egyptian children's tunics, including Coptic children's tunics and Mamluk children's tunics
- Met 33.10.39, 4th-7th century
- Met. 90.5.19a, 5th-6th century
- Bonham's Auction 20021, Lot 330, 5th-7th century
- Met 27.239 (with hood), c. 430-620
- Calderdale, 4th-8th century
- Christie's Sale 8724, Lot 261 (with hood), 5th-6th century
- Christie's Sale 9382, Lot 201, 6th century
- Byzantine Museum 489, 6th century
- MFA 15.701 (with ducks), 6th or 7th century
- Walters 83.484 (with garlands, birds, and animals), 6th-8th century
- British Museum EA72484, 7th-8th century
- British Museum EA72493, 8th century
- Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, 700-1000
- Ashmolean EA1984.353, Mamluk period
- Sogdian samite child's coat and another Sogdian samite child's coat, 8th century
- Tunic of Don Garcia, first half of the 12th century
- Clothing of Doña María, 1235 (more photos here
- Baldwin IV and William of Tyre, History of the Crusades (British Library Yates Thompson 12, fol. 152v), c. 1250-1259
- Queen Emma flees to Normandy with her two young sons (fol. 4r) and Queen Emma and her sons being received by Duke Richard II of Normandy (fol. 4v), The Life of King Edward the Confessor (Ee. 3.59), c. 1250-60
- A boy with Anna von Habsburg, 1281
- Boy received into a monastery, Decretum (British Library Royal 10 D VIII, fol. 82v), early 14th century
- The Manesse Codex (UBH Cod. Pal. germ. 848), 1300-1330
Because of the way the Manesse Codex was drawn, it is sometimes hard to tell whether the shorter figures are intended to be children, or adults who have been shrunk to fit the space available. Illustrations featuring children include those of
Von Wissenlo (fol. 299r), Herr Reinmar der Fiedler (fol. 312r), Meister Friedrich von Sonnenburg (fol. 407r), and Der Litschauer (fol. 422r).
- Boys whip a top (fol. 164r), a boy plays a rebec at the Marriage at Cana (fol. 168v), the Virgin returns a captured child to his mother (fol. 230r), The Queen Mary Psalter (Brit. Lib. Royal 2 B VII), c. 1310-1320
- A boy with the family of Gottfried der Stifter, 1320
- Boys with Friedrich der Gebissene, 1324
- Several illustrations in the BNF Fr. 152 Bible historiale (14th century); use Mandragore to find illustrations from this manuscript
- A boy in a cherry tree, the Luttrell Psalter (Brit. Lib. Add. 42130, fol. 196v), c. 1325-1340
- Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh (fol. 8v), and giving matzot and haroset to children (fol. 15r), The Golden Haggaddah (British Library Add. 27210), second quarter of the 14th century
- Several of the illustrations in the marginalia of Romance of Alexander (Bodley 264), c. 1338-44, feature children, including the puppet show on folio 54v.
- Boy punished by his teacher (fol. 214) and a teacher and pupils (fol. 541), Omne Bonum (British Library Royal 6 E VI), c. 1360-1375
- Job with ten sons and daughters, Bible historial (MMW 10 B 23, fol 246v), 1372
- Herjolfsnes 44, a dress worn by a girl in Greenland, approximately ten years old
- Herjolfsnes 86, a cap found near a boy's grave
- Herjolfsnes 62, a child's garment
- The salt-seller (fol. 5r), mulberries (fol. 10r), sweet cherries (fol. 11v), pears, butter, dill (fol. 31v), the east wind (fol. 57r), Tacuinum Sanitatis (ÖNB Codex Vindobonensis, series nova 2644), c. 1370-1400
- Rain, Tacuinum Sanitatis (BNF Nouvelle acquisition latine 1673, fol. 95v), c. 1390-1400
- De mulieribus claris (BNF Fr. 598), beginning of the 15th century
The combat of Eteocles and Polyneices (fol. 36)
Hecuba weeps for her children (fol. 47v)
Execution of Olympias (fol. 93v)
- The assassination of Barsine and Hercules (fol. 114) and Orodes II chooses his successor (fol. 166v) in De casibus (BNF Fr. 226), first quarter of the 15th century
- Sweet cherries (fol. 8v),
beets (fol. 24v),
dill (fol. 29),
horehound (fol. 33v),
violets (fol. 36),
millet (fol. 46v),
raisins (fol. 54),
the east wind (fol. 55),
butter (fol. 59), and
chicken eggs (fol. 63v),
Tacuinum Sanitatis (BNF Latin 9333), 15th century
- Astyanax, L'Epître d'Othéa (British Library Harley 4431, fol. 135), c. 1410-1411
- Funeral sculpture of Béatrice de Beausart and her son Guillaume de Melun, 1419
- Fols. 132v, 236r, 365r, 379v, and 387r in the Decameron (BNF Arsenal 5070), 1432
- Virgin and Child by Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1440
While not all paintings of this theme show realistic & workable infant clothing, this one is especially practical.
- A teacher instructs his pupils (fol. 62), a boy roasts chickens on an open-air spit (fol. 101), and the Holy Family at work (fol. 149), The Hours of Catherine of Cleves (PML M.917), c. 1440
- The left panel of The Seven Sacraments Altarpiece by Rogier van der Weyden, 1445-50
- Detail from Presentation of Christ in the Temple by Stefan Lochner, 1447
- Aristotle teaches Alexander, History of Alexander (BNF Fr. 9342, fol. 7v), mid-15th century
- The family of Job, book of hours with proverbs (BNF NAL 3134, fol. 104), mid-15th century
- St. Anne and the Three Marys in the Book of Hours of tienne Chevalier (BNF NAL 1416), 1452-1460
- A peasant boy with his family, Armorial de Revel (BNF Fr. 22997, fol. 344), 1456
- Portrait of a Young Girl by Petrus Christus, after 1460
- A sitting man gives bread to three boys (lower right-hand corner), Factorum et dictorum memorabilium (KB 71 D 42, Book 4: Chapter 1, fol. 202v), 1462
- The Presentation in the Temple by Hans Memling, 1463
The two little girls are easier to see in this detail.
- A family, Aristotle's Politics, Ethics, and Economics (BNF Fr. 22500, fol. 6), 15th century
- Speculum Historiale, 1463:
Abraham sends Hagar away (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 44v);
crossing the Red Sea (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 55v);
the story of David (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 74v);
the story of St. Eustace (BNF Fr. 50, fol. 380);
St. Mark and St. Marcellian (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 46);
the story of St. Paphnuce of Heraclea (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 158v);
the miracle of St. Martin (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 297);
the story of St. Germain (BNF Fr. 51, fol. 431)
- Detail with a boy and a girl from The Resurrection of Lazarus by Gérard de Saint-Jean
- Illustration for Psalm 80, showing David with musicians and dancing children, in a psalter (KB 131 F 18, fol. 86v), ca. 1465-1470
- Francesco and Sigismondo Gonzaga in The Meeting in the frescoes at the Ducal Palace in Mantua by Andrea Mantegna, c. 1471-1474
- Anne Donne in the center panel of the Donne Triptych by Hans Memling, 1475
- Amphiaraus of Argos meeting Eriphyle (fol. 26r), the discovery of Opheltes' death (fol. 29r), and Andromache begs Hector not to return to battle (fol. 111v), Roman de Thès (PML G.23), 1474
- Marcus Furius Camillus receiving the schoolmaster of Falerii and his pupils; the schoolmaster is stripped and the children drive him back to their city with sticks, Factorum et dictorum memorabilium (KB 66 B 13, Book 6: Chapter 1, fol. 289r), c. 1475
- A boy plays with a pull-toy boat on wheels, a book of hours (PML M.1001, fol. 48r), c. 1475
- The City of God (MMW 10 A 11), c. 1475-1480
St. Ambrose speaking to two boys and a girl (fol. 13r)
Two boys among a group listening to St. Paul (fol. 13v)
- The Knight Cifar (BNF Esp 36), fourth quarter of the 15th century: fols. 14,
and 32v
- The ages of man, De proprietatibus rerum (BNF Fr. 9140, fol. 101v), 1480
- Portrait of a Boy by Pinturicchio, 1481-3
- Triptych of the Family Moreel by Hans Memling, 1484
See also the details of the side panels: Willem Moreel and his sons, and Barbara van Vlaenderberch and her daughters.
- Self-Portrait at 13 by Albrecht Dürer, 1484
- Boys putting up a tent for Leopold the Mild, from the Family Tree of Bamberg by Hans Part, c. 1489-1492
- An Old Man and His Grandson by Domenico Ghirlandaio, 1490
- The donor's young son in the left wing of The Sedano Family Triptych by Gerard David, c. 1495
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