Medieval Children and Children’s Clothing
Growing Up in Medieval London

Medieval Children

A History of Childhood

Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life

Children and Games in the Middle Ages

L'enfance au Moyen Age

Medieval Tailor's Assistant: Making Common Garments 1200-1500

La Fleur De Lyse: Children of Medieval Times, Circa 1060-1320 Pattern

Following are depictions and portraits of boys and girls from the Middle Ages. (The clothing & depictions of 16th century children have moved to their own page.)

Because the goal of this survey is to provide useful information on a realistic view of children’s clothing, I have avoided most allegorical or overly anachronistically-dressed children. I’ve also included links to extant clothing worn by pre-17th century children.

Take a look at the BNF’s online resources for L’enfance au Moyen Âge for late medieval (mostly 15th century) examples. More discussion on this topic at the Garb The Child LiveJournal Community.

Egyptian children's tunics, including Coptic children's tunics and Mamluk children's tunics

Click here to continue to the 16th century!