Following is a catalog of the names for garments referenced in the Paston Letters, the 15th and 16th century correspondence of an English family of the gentry class. You may find it helpful to consult their family tree to keep the "who's who" straight. (John II and John III are the first and second sons of Margaret and John I.)
UPDATE, JANUARY 2008: I am cross-checking my findings against the Middle English Dictionary; some of their definitions are quoted below.
LINCLOTH (Generally, 'linen cloth, or a piece of linen cloth,' as for cutting into shirts or other garments, or perhaps for use as bed-sheets)
- Item, ij payre of lyncloys […] John Keduray, a payre of lynclo[th]ys, j gown of blw […] Item, ij shurtes, a peyr ofe lynclothis (Inventory, not long after 1473)
SHIRT (see also this linkspage)
- I prey ȝou if ȝe haue any old gownys for lynyngys and old schetys and old schertis þat may non lengere ser [deleted in MS] ven ȝou, I prey ȝou send hem hom in hast, for I must okupye seche thyngys in hast. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, 1449)
- Item, a dobelet of blak fusteyn, a hors harnys vj s., a gray hors price xl s., ij shertys price iiij s. Will Bedford […] Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. […] Memorandum, a gowne of Richard Calle pris ix s., j peyre hosen iij s., j swerd iij s., ij bonetes ij s. … [unclear] j jakke xxvj s. viij d., j scherte iij s. iiij d. […] Item, a chirte price xij d. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- Item, I send ȝow ij scherte clothys, iche of iij ȝardys of þe fynest þat is in thys towne. I xuld a do hem mad here but yt xuld a be to long here ȝe xuld an had hem. Ȝowr awnte ore sum othere good woman wule do here almes vpon ȝow fore þe makyng of them. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, October 28, 1470)
- John Louedayes man was robbyd in-to hys schyrte as he cam hom ward. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston III, November 29, 1471)
- Item, v shertes […] Item, iij schertes […] Item, ij schertis and a quarter of lynclothe […] Item, a schyrt […] Item, a churt […] John Juddé, a chert […] Water Wynter, a shert […] Item, ij shurtes, a peyr ofe lynclothis (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Also I beseche yow to sende me a hose clothe, on for þe halydays of sum colore and a-nothyr for þe workyng days, how corse so euer it be it makyth no matyr; and a stomechere, and ij schyrtys, and a peyer of sclyppers. (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, November 7, 1478)
SMOCK (see also this linkspage)
- Item, a smoke (Inventory, not long after 1473)
STOMACHER (While the modern association with this garment-name is for a panel in the front-torso of a lady's gown, references below seem to describe a man's linen garment; possibly 'a vest, waistcoat, or similar garment')
- Item, a stomauchere of a ȝrd of gode new hollond clothe […] Item, a stomaker of lenclothe (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Also I beseche yow to sende me a hose clothe, on for þe halydays of sum colore and a-nothyr for þe workyng days, how corse so euer it be it makyth no matyr; and a stomechere, and ij schyrtys, and a peyer of sclyppers. (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, November 7, 1478)
- Syr, I send you be my brodyr Wyllem your stomachere of damaske. (Letter from Margery Paston to John Paston III, January 21, 1486)
- Item, j roset cape (Inventory, not long after 1473)
CLOAK (see also this linkspage)
- Item, a blake cloke (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Item, j grene cotte […] John Osborn, a cott of rosset […] Item, a cote of mosterdeveleres (Inventory, not long after 1473)
DOUBLET (Some of these are arming doublets)
- soo ye schuld a ben hurt but fore a good dobelet þat ye hadde on at that tyme. Blyssyd be God that ye hadde it on. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston I, August 23, 1461)
- Nomore at this tyme but that I pray yow ye woll send me hedir ij elne of worsted for doblettes to happe me this cold wynter, and that ye inquere where William Paston bought his tepet of fyne worsted whech is almost like silk; and if that be moch fyner thanne þat ye shuld bye me after vij or viij s., thanne bye m [unclear ] e a quarter and the nayle therof for colers, thow it be derrer thanne the tother, for I wold make my doblet all worsted for worship of Norffolk rather thanne like Gonnores doblet. (Letter from John Paston I to Margaret Paston, September 20, 1465)
- Item, a syde morrey gowne, a dobelet of blak satyn, a payre hosyn, a jakk, the polrondys of a payre bryganders of rede sateyn fugre. Item, a payre of large tabellys of box, price vj s. viij d. […] Item, a dobelet of blak fusteyn, a hors harnys vj s., a gray hors price xl s., ij shertys price iiij s. Will Bedford […] Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. […] Item, a seyde gowne of Wykys. Ser John Pastounys gere hadde owt of þe Chaumbre Furst, a seydde morrey gowne, a dowbelett of blake sateyn, a peyre hozyn, a jackke, the mahuturs of a peyre bryngaunderys of welluett, and the perhawys of þe seyd bryngaunderys. […] Item, a cappe and an hatt, a dowbelett, a peyre hozyn. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- And thys day the seyd Yeluerton and viij men wyth hym, wyth jakys and trossyng dobletys all þe felawshep of hem, wer redy to ryd, and on of the sam felawshep told to a man that sye hem all redy þat they shold ryd to tak a dystres in serteyn maners þat wer Syr John Fastolffys. […] John Grey, othyrwyse callyd John de les Bay, and John Burgeys, they be Yeluertons kapteyns, and they ryd and go dayly, as well in Norwyche as in othyr plasys of yours and othyr menys in the contré, in ther trossyng dowbelettys. wyth bombardys and kanonys and chaseueleyns, and do what so euer they wyll in the contré. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, January 27, 1467)
- Item, that Mastress Broom send me hedyr iij longe gownys and ij doblettys, and a jaket of plonket chamlett, and a morey bonet owt of my cofyr = Syr Jamys hathe the key = as I sent hyr word be-for thys. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, April 30, 1471)
- Also I pray ȝow þat þe weluet þat levyt of my typet may be send hom a-geyn, fore I woold strype a dobelet there-wyth. (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, November 18, 1471)
- I wyll make an armyng doblett off it, thow I sholde an other tyme gyff a longe gown off velwett fore an other vestment; and send it in all hast to Hoxon to send me. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, June 3, 1473)
- Item, j dowbelet of fustian […] Item, a dowblet of fostian […] Item, ij dowbelettes (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- the doblet of porpyll sateyn and the doblet of blak sateyn (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, July 25, 1474)
- I trowe he shall gyff yow a doblett clothe off sylke, price xx s. ore þer-abowte (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, January 27, 1476)
- Item, I bequeth to the said William Tidman an olde grey horse and a dublett clothe of grene saten of Cypres, oon for hymself and another for his child. (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
- preyng yow to wete þat my modyr sent to my fadyr to London for a govne cloth of mvstyrddevyllers to make of a govne for me; and he tolde my modyr and me wanne he was comme hom þat he cargeyt yow to bey it aftyr þat he were come ovte of London. I pre yow, yf it be not bowt, þat ye wyl wechesaf to by it and send yt hom as sone as ye may, for I haue no govne to werre þis wyntyr but my blake and my grene a Lyere, and þat ys so comerus þat I ham wery to wer yt. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, December 14, 1441)
- þer js purvayd fore here meche gode aray of gwnys, gyrdelys, and atyrys, and meche oþer gode aray. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, April 1448)
- þat ȝe wille do byen summe frese to maken of ȝwr childeris gwnys; ȝe xall haue best chepe and best choyse of Hayis wyf, as it is told me. And þat ȝe wyld bye a ȝerd of brode clothe of blac for an hode fore me of xliijj d. or iiij s. a ȝerd, for þer [unclear] is no [deleted in MS] there gode cloth nere god fryse in this twn. As for þe childeris gwnys, and I haue cloth I xal do hem maken. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, 1448)
- I prey ȝou if ȝe haue any old gownys for lynyngys and old schetys and old schertis þat may non lengere ser [deleted in MS ] ven ȝou, I prey ȝou send hem hom in hast, for I must okupye seche thyngys in hast. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, 1449)
- þat ȝe wyll vowchesave to bey a pese of blak bukram for to lyn wyth a gown for me. I xuld bey me a murrey gown to gon in this somer, and leyn in the kolere the satyn þat E ȝeve me for an hodde, and I kan gettyn non gode bokeram jn þis town to lyn it wyth. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, May 9, 1449)
- As for cloth for my gowne, I can non gete in this town better than that is þat I send yow an exsample of, whiche me thynkyth to symple bothe of colowr and of cloth; wherfore I pray yow þat ye woll vouchesauf to do bey for me iij yerdys and j quarter of seche as it pleasith yow þat I shuld have, and what colowr þat pleaset yow, for in gode feyth I haue do sowte all the draperys shopis in this town and here is right febill cheys. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, November 14, 1453)
- 'Yt is the gyse of ȝowre contré-men to spend alle the good they haue on men and leuery gownys and hors and harnes, and so ber yt owth for j wylle, and at the laste they arn but beggarys; and so wyll ȝe do. (Letter from William Paston I to John Paston I, July 1454)
- Item, to see who many gownys Clement hath, and tho that be bare, late hem be reysyd; he hathe a chort grene gowne, And a chort musterdevelerys gowne were neuer reysyd, And a chort blew gowne (th)at was reysyd and mad of a syde gowne whan I was last at London, And a syde russet gowne furryd wyth bevyr was mad this tyme ij yere, And a syde murry gowne was mad this tyme twelmoneth. (Memorandum of "errands," January 28, 1458)
- And as fore myn nevewes, they lerne rythe well bothe, and there gownys and there gere schall be mad for hem acordyng to þe enthenthe of ȝowre letter, and all oder thynggys that behouyth on-to here profythe harddely to myn powere. (Letter from William Paston I to Margaret Paston, August 10, 1458)
- The berer her-of schuld bye me a gowne wyth pert of the mony, if it plese yow to delyuer hym as myche mony as he may bye it wyth; for i haue bot on gowne at Framyngham and an other her, and þat is my leueré gowne and we must wer hem euery day for þe most part, and on gowne wyth-owt change wyll sone be done. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston I, November 1, 1462)
- Item, a syde morrey gowne, a dobelet of blak satyn, a payre hosyn, a jakk, the polrondys of a payre bryganders of rede sateyn fugre. Item, a payre of large tabellys of box, price vj s. viij d. […] Memorandum, a gowne of Richard Calle pris ix s., j peyre hosen iij s., j swerd iij s., ij bonetes ij s. … [unclear ] j jakke xxvj s. viij d., j scherte iij s. iiij d. […] Item, a seyde gowne of Wykys. Ser John Pastounys gere hadde owt of þe Chaumbre Furst, a seydde morrey gowne, a dowbelett of blake sateyn, a peyre hozyn, a jackke, the mahuturs of a peyre bryngaunderys of welluett, and the perhawys of þe seyd bryngaunderys. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- If I come I most do make a leueré of xx gownes, whyche I most pyke owt by yowre advyse; and asfore clothe fore suche persones as be in þat contré, if it myght be hadd there att Norwyche ore not I wot not, and what personys I am nott remembryd. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, early June, 1469)
- As for your gowne, your mantyll, crosbowys, and your Normandy byll, Corby shall bryng hem yow thys week at the ferthest, and i shall send yow my byllys as hastyly as i can make hem vp, i tryst wyth-in thes iiij dayis. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, December 1469)
- Item, I haue thys day delyueryd your mantyll, your raye gowne. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, January 23, 1470)
- I thank ȝow fore the gowne þat ȝe gaue me. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, October 28, 1470)
- Item, that Mastress Broom send me hedyr iij longe gownys and ij doblettys, and a jaket of plonket chamlett, and a morey bonet owt of my cofyr = Syr Jamys hathe the key = as I sent hyr word be-for thys. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, April 30, 1471)
- I haue desyered hym to lend me a gown of puke, and I haue send hym a typet of welvet to boredyre yt rown [unclear] d a-bowthe (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, November 18, 1471)
- And if it pleased yow to lete hys gowne clothe be sent hym hom, that it myght be mad a-yenst your comeing in-to thys contré, he wold be as prowd as eny man ye haue. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, late November 1472)
- all my gownes and pryde had ben goon; but all was saffe. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, April 16, 1473)
- I wyll make an armyng doblett off it, thow I sholde an other tyme gyff a longe gown off velwett fore an other vestment (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, June 3, 1473)
- Item, iiij gownes xxvj s. viij d. […] Item, a blw gown of William Tauernerys […] Item, gownes […] Item, a gown furret with blake lom […] Item, a gown and a kertyll […] Purrey, a blw gown […] John Keduray, a payre of lynclo[th]ys, j gown of blw […] Robert Fen, a gown […] Sander Koke, a morrey gown […] Item, a lyneng to a gown (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- my tawny gowne furyd wyth blak (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, July 25, 1474)
- Item, I wende to have fownde a gowne off myn heere, but it come home the same daye þat I come owte, browght by Herry Berker, lodere. I wolde in alle hast possible have thatt same gowne off puke furryd wyth whyght lambe. Item, I wolde have my longe russett gowne off þe Frenshe russett in alle hast, for I have no gowne to goo in here. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, January 27, 1476)
- As for your gownys, they shalbe sent yow in as hasty wyse as is possybyll. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, February 3, 1476)
- Item, wher I tolde yow þat the gowne clothe off olde chamlott I wolde have it hoome for my suster Anne, ye for-gate it. I praye yow sende it home by the next massenger, and a letter wyth it off suche tydyngys as ye knowe. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, June 30, 1476)
- he hathe greet nede of gownys and odyr gere þat whare necessary for hym to haue in haste. (Draft of letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, August 11, 1477)
- then as i jnformyd yow i payed v ma [deleted in MS] rke jncontynent vppon my comyng hyddre to replegge owte my gown [deleted in MS] e off velwett and other geer (Letter from John Paston II to Margaret Paston, October 29, 1479)
- I wulle shalbe apparailled in white gownes with hodes […] Item, I bequeth to Agnes Swan, my seruaunt, my musterdevelys gown furred with blak, and a girdell of blak herneised with siluer gilt and enamelled, and xx s. in money. (A copy of the will of Margaret Paston, February 4, 1482)
- a violet gowne furryd with martrons; a blak gowne furryd with gray; a blak gowne furryd with white; a blak gowne furryd with mar [deleted in MS ] trons; and a nyght gowne of blak furryd with martrons (The will of Elizabeth Poynings or Browne, née Paston, May 18, 1487)
- Item, I bequethe to my doughtir Anne Lomnour my russett gowne purfild withe menkes […] Item, I bequethe to Elizabeth Gayne xiij s. iiij d. to be paide to hir immediatly aftir my discease to the bying of a gowne for hir. (Will of Margaret Paston, widow of Edmond Paston, November 24, 1504)
- I bequeth to my doughter Isabell Isley my gowne of blake veluet furred with mynkes. […] Item, to my cousyn Alys Petham my newe blake gowne furred with mynkes. […] Item, to hir hosbond a gowne clothe of russett lying in my chest. Item, to my son Edward a gowne clothe of iiij brode yerdes tawny. Item, to Margarete Palmer iij yerdes of the same tawny clothe for a gowne. […] Item, to yong Potter the man of lawe a gowne clothe of blewe clothe beyng at Leuesham. […] Item, to Margaret Palmer ij blake gownes, oon furred and another lyned, and oon kyrtell of chamlett, and oon furre of grey, and a bordure for a gowne, and a blake coffer. […] Item, to Elizabeth, moder to Thomas Waserers wif, a russet gowne. […] Item, I geve and bequeth to Jone Julles […] a gowne of tawny at Leuesham […] Item, I bequeth to Sir Robert, parisshe preest of Sonderiche, vj s. viij d. and a gowne clothe. Item, I geve to Sir William of Nokold vj s. viij d. and a gowne clothe. (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
- Item, of old peces of velwet, reed and roset, to make of jakettes. (Inventory and indenture: draft, June 6, 1462)
- þe Mayster of Carbroke wold take a rewle in the Mari Talbot as for capteyn, and to yeue jaketes of his leuery to dyuers personis qwych ben waged be oder men and nouth be hym, beyng in the said shep. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston I, probably May or June of 1462)
- Item, that Mastress Broom send me hedyr iij longe gownys and ij doblettys, and a jaket of plonket chamlett, and a morey bonet owt of my cofyr = Syr Jamys hathe the key = as I sent hyr word be-for thys.
(Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, April 30, 1471)
KIRTLE (Here and later, a lady's garment; in the Canterbury Tales, it's a word for a man's garment)
- Item, a gown and a kertyll (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- a kirtill of tawny chamlet (The will of Elizabeth Poynings or Browne, née Paston, May 18, 1487)
- Item, to the same Alys a kyrtill of blake wosted. […] Item, I geve and bequeth to the wif of Thomas Waserer a furre of grey and a kyrtill of blake damaske. […] Item, to Margaret Palmer […] oon kyrtell of chamlett […] Item, I bequeth to Agnes Waserer an old kyrtell off worsted. […] Item, I bequeth to Thomas Isley all the residewe of my chapell that is not bequethed, and to my doughter Isley his wif a kyrtell of blake saten and a kyrtill cloth of blak worsted. […] Item, I geve and bequeth to Jone Julles a blak kyrtill (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
- As for your gowne, your mantyll, crosbowys, and your Normandy byll, Corby shall bryng hem yow thys week at the ferthest, and i shall send yow my byllys as hastyly as i can make hem vp, i tryst wyth-in thes iiij dayis. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, December 1469)
- Item, I haue thys day delyueryd your mantyll, your raye gowne, and your crosbowys wyth telers and wyndas, and your Normandy byll to Korby to bryng wyth hym to London. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, January 23, 1470)
- Memorandum, a gowne of Richard Calle pris ix s., j peyre hosen iij s., j swerd iij s., ij bonetes ij s. … [unclear ] j jakke xxvj s. viij d., j scherte iij s. iiij d. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- And if so be þat ye send eny man hom hastely, i pray yow send me an hat and a bonet by þe same man, and let hym bryng the hat vp-on hys hed for mysfacyonyng of it. I haue ned to bothe, for i may not ryd nor goo owt at þe doorys wyth non þat i haue, they be so lewde: a murry bonet and a blak or a tawny hat. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, April 7, 1469)
- Item, that Mastress Broom send me hedyr iij longe gownys and ij doblettys, and a jaket of plonket chamlett, and a morey bonet owt of my cofyr = Syr Jamys hathe the key = as I sent hyr word be-for thys. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, April 30, 1471)
- a bonet of depe murry, pryce ij s. iiij d. (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, November 18, 1471)
- a bonet of poudred ermyns (The will of Elizabeth Poynings or Browne, née Paston, May 18, 1487)
- Item, I bequethe to my doughtir Anne Lomnour […] my best velvet bonett. (Will of Margaret Paston, widow of Edmond Paston, November 24, 1504)
- Item, to my cosyn Margaret Palmer my best bonett and best frontlett to the same; and to my cosyn Alys Petham my secunde bonett and frontlett; and to my cosyn Thomas Waserers wif another frontlett of veluett. (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
- As for cappys þat ye sent me for þe chylderyn, þey be to lytyl for hem. I pray yow bey hem feynere cappys and largere þan þo were. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, July 8, 1444; at this point, "the children" would be a toddler John II and an infant John III)
- Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. […] Item, a cappe and an hatt, a dowbelett, a peyre hozyn. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- Item, iij cappis […] Item, a cappe […] Item, a cappe of rosset […] Item, a peyr of patanys, a cappe of violet […] Item, iij gyrdylles, ij cappis […] Item, a cappe (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- And Jamys Gloys come with his hatte on his hede betwen bothe his men, as he was wont of custome to do. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, May 19, 1448)
- And also I pray yow þat ye woll do bey ij gode hattis for yowr sonys, for I can none getyn in þis town. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, March 15, 1451)
- Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. […] Item, a cappe and an hatt, a dowbelett, a peyre hozyn. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- And if so be þat ye send eny man hom hastely, i pray yow send me an hat and a bonet by þe same man, and let hym bryng the hat vp-on hys hed for mysfacyonyng of it. I haue ned to bothe, for i may not ryd nor goo owt at þe doorys wyth non þat i haue, they be so lewde: a murry bonet and a blak or a tawny hat. (Letter from William Paston I to John Paston II, April 7, 1469)
- Syr, as hertly as I can I thank yow for the hatt whyche is comyng, as I vndyrstand by your wrytyng, sent by John the Abottys man of Seynt Benet. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, late November 1472)
- Item, a payre of glovys and a hatt […] Item, a hatt […] John Bube, ane hatt (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- I prey yow bryng hom some hattys wyth yow, or and ye come not hastyly send me on by Corby, whyche shall com homward on Fryday or Saterday next comyng at the ferthest, and I shall pay yow for it a comb otys when ye com hom. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, October 23, 1475)
HOOD (see also (this linkspage)
- I xuld bey me a murrey gown to gon in this somer, and leyn in the kolere the satyn þat E ȝeve me for an hodde (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, May 9, 1449)
- Ye may send mony by Jwdé for my sustyr Annys hood and for þe tepet of sersenet, viij s. a yerd of damask and v s. for sarsenet; hyr hood wyll take iij quarters. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, perhaps October 1467)
- Item, a blake hod […] Item, a hod […] Item, an hodde (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- I wulle shalbe apparailled in white gownes with hodes (A copy of the will of Margaret Paston, February 4, 1482)
- Item, I geve and bequeth to Jone Julles […] a blake hoode (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
Accessories for the Waist
DEMI-CEINT ('a narrow girdle of metal scales'; see also dimissente in this later will.)
- Item, my master gaff her a lytell gerdyll of sylke and goolde, called a demysent, and the harneys of goolde. (1467?)
- Item, I geve and bequethe to my doughter Elsabeth Whynbergh my dymysent of silver and gilt and enamyled and the corse crymsyn velvet pirled withe golde, and also a fruntelet of crymsyn velvet. (Will of Margaret Paston, widow of Edmond Paston, November 24, 1504)
- As for þe gyrdyl þat my fadyr be-hestyt me, I spake to hym þer-of a lytyl be-fore he ede to London last, and he seyde to me þat þe favte was in yow þat ȝe wolde not thynke þer-vppe-on to do mak yt; but i sopose þat ys not so=he seyd yt but for a skevsacion. I pre yow, yf ye dor tak yt vppe-on yow, þat ye wyl weche-safe to do mak yt a-yens ye come hom; for I hadde neuer more nede þer-of þan I haue now, for I ham waxse so fetys þat I may not be gyrte in no barre of no gyrdyl þat I haue but of on. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, December 14, 1441; this would have been a few months before John II was born)
- I thanke yow þat e wolde wochesaffe to remember my gyrdyl, and þat ȝe wolde wryte to me at þis tyme, for I sopose þe wrytyng was non esse to yow. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, September 28, 1443)
- þer js purvayd fore here meche gode aray of gwnys, gyrdelys, and atyrys, and meche oþer gode aray. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, April 1448)
- I prey yow þat ye wol vowchesawf to speke to Jamys Gloys to bye þe vngwentum album þat I spake to hym fore, and þat ye woll remembre yowr fayre dowgteris gyrdyl. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, June 3, 1451; would this be for three-year-old Margery?)
- And also þat ye well do make a gyrdill for yowr dowgtere, for she hath nede þer-of. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, July 6, 1451)
- I pray yow þat ye woll vowchesawf to remembre to purvey a thing for my nekke, and to do make my gyrdill. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston I, January 30, 1453)
- a gyrdyl of plunkket ryban, price vj d. (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, November 18, 1471)
- Item, iij gyrdylles […] Item, iij gyrdylles […] Item, iij gyrdylles […] Item, a gyrdyll, a payre of patanys […] Item, a gyrdyll […] Item, iij gyrdylles and a cerchey […] Item, iij gyrdylles, ij cappis (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- iij brode girdilles, oone of tawny silke with bokill and [deleted in MS ] pendaunt, a-nother of purpill with bokyll and pendaunt, and the iijde of purpill damaske with bokell and pendaunt and vj barres of siluer and gilt; and iij brode harnysed girdilles, oone white tisshew, a-nother red tysshewe gold, and the iijde a playne grene coorse; […] and a harnysed girdill enameled with rowsclare weying halfe an vnce […] an harnysed girdill of golde of Damaske, with a long pendaunt and a bokill of golde chekkyd, weying j vnce (The will of Elizabeth Poynings or Browne, née Paston, May 18, 1487)
- Item, I bequeth to Katerine his wiff a purpill girdill herneisid with siluer and gilt […] my best corse girdill, blewe herneised with siluer and gilt […] Item, I bequeth to Agnes Swan, my seruaunt, my musterdevelys gown furred with blak, and a girdell of blak herneised with siluer gilt and enamelled, and xx s. in money. (A copy of the will of Margaret Paston, February 4, 1482)
- Item, I bequethe to my doughter Margaret Broun […] my beste girdill whereof the herneys is siluer and gilt and the corse is of damaske goolde (Will of Margaret Paston, widow of Edmond Paston, November 24, 1504)
Accessories for Carrying Goods (bags, satchels, etc.)
POUCH (see also this linkspage)
- Item, a powche of blew velwet wyth pearlis therin ensealid. (Inventory and indenture: draft, June 6, 1462)
- Item, a powche of rosset damaske (Inventory, not long after 1473)
PURSE (see also this linkspage)
- I seyd as for þe noble I shuld payt of myn owyn purse, þat ye shuld no knowlech haue þer-of. (Letter from Agnes Paston to John Paston I, July 6, 1453)
- i had but ij noblys in my purse (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston I, November 1, 1462)
- Item, a litell purse sealid, and therin certeyn seales of siluer broken, and a signet of gold. (Inventory and indenture: draft June 6, 1462)
- that ye be ware of your expence bettyr and ye have be before thys tyme, and be your owne purse-berere. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, November 1463)
- hath no mony in his purs to pay for his costes thedir (Letter from John Paston I to Margaret Paston, September 20, 1465)
- Item in þe chirche, a pursse wyth rynges and a colere of syluer wheche was Wekys (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- he hathe at thys season not a peny in hys purs nor wotys not wher to get eny (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, about October 1467)
- ouyr maters and clamore is to gret and owr purse and wytte to slendyr (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, December 1469)
- He wyll bryng xx noblys in hys purse. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, July 8, 1472)
- Item, a purs of welwet […] Item, a purs […] A purs […] Item, a purs (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- hold hym pleasyd wyth yowr payment ought of my purse thow he knowe it not or hys horse depert fro hys handys (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, March 29, 1475)
- not of myn owyn pursse […] it cost me xx marke off myn owne purse besyde (Draft of letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, August 11, 1477)
- I wyll make vppe ther money ought of myn owne purse. (Letter from John Paston III to Richard Croft, around 1500)
- Item, a broch of syluer with a crown (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Item, a litell cheyne of gold wyth a perle hangyng therby and ij spangell of gold. (Inventory and indenture: draft June 6, 1462)
- Item, if ye pas London send me ageyn my chene, and þe litill chene þat I lent you be-fore, be sum trusty person. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston III, June 30?, 1465)
COLLAR (see also this linkspage)
- a colere of syluer of the Kyngys lyuery […] a pursse wyth rynges and a colere of syluer wheche was Wekys. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
NOUCH (a piece of jewelry; compare to Canterbury Tales [s.n. 'OUCH': "an ouche" and "nowches"]
- Item, jowelis, nowches, and presious stones not prised: ij cuppes of goold and ij ewers weyng = lxxv vnc. […] Item, a litell nowche of gold mad chernell wise, wyth a poynted dyamant, a rubie, and iij perlis. […] Item, a-nother nowche mad fawcon wise, enamelid wyth white, a bukle of gold.
Item, an other nowche mad treyfowle wise, wyth an emerawd in the middes wyth a long perle hangyng. […] Item, a nowche of gold of the facion of a busshell, wyth a baleys, a safer loseynge, a greet orient pearle, and a square diamant, losenged wyth a strike of gold, garnysshed wyth iij rubies and iiij pearlis wyth iij pendauntes of gold. Item, a box of blak leder, a nowche of gold after the facion of a rote, wyth a gret safer and a gret perle set therin. Item, an nowche of gold after the facion of an aungell, wyth a flat dyamaunt loseyngewise wyth a dyamant flourrid, a rubye in the middes, and ij gret moder perlis on eyther side of the aungell. Item, an other nowche of gold mad aftir the facion of a jentilwoman, and therin a dyamant poynted square, a rubye and an emerawde in the middes, and ij gret orient perlis. (Inventory and indenture: draft June 6, 1462)
- Item, I send you the nowche wyth the dyamaunth be the berere here-of. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, April 3, 1469)
RING (see also this linkspage
- Item, a ryng of Sent Lowes wyth a ston therin. […] Item, the seid John Paston giueth like answere as for an jnuen [deleted in MS] taré of spendyng mony, ryngges and jowellis, clothes, silk, lyne, wollen, bokes Frenshe, Latyn, and Englyssh remaynyng in the chambre of the seid Fastolff. (Inventory and indenture: draft June 6, 1462)
- Item, a ryng of gold wyth a dyamaunt, a typet of sarsenet, a nobyll of x s., a nobyll viij s. iiij d. Gere of John Wykys […] Item in þe chirche, a pursse wyth rynges and a colere of syluer wheche was Wekys […] Jone Gaynes gere Furst, a ryng of golde wyth a deamant. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- Also telle Johne Pampyng that the mayde at þe Bulle at Cluddys at Westminster sent me on a tyme by hym to the Moore a rynge off goolde to a tookne, whyche I hadde not off hym; wherffor I wolde he scholde sende it hyddre, for sche most haue itt ageyn, ore ellys v s., for it was not hyrrys. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, August 5, 1470)
- Also in eny wyse forget not in all hast to get some goodly ryng, pryse of xx s., or som praty flowyr of the same pryse and not vndyr, to geue to Jane Rodon, for she hathe ben the most specyall laborer in your mater and hathe promysyd hyr good wyll foorthe, and she dothe all wyth hyr mastresse. (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, September 21, 1472)
- Worshypffull and weell belovyd brother, I recomaund me to yow, letyng yow weet þat I sente yow a letter and a rynge wyth a dyamand, in whyche letter ye myght well conceyue what I wold ye scholde do wyth þe same ryng, wyth manye other tydyngys and thyngys whyche I prayed yowe to haue doon for me; whyche letter Boton had the beryng off. It is soo nowe þat I vndrestond that he is owther deed ore ellys harde eskapyd, wheroff I am ryght heuye, and am not serteyn whethyre the seyd letter and rynge come to yowre handys ore nott. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, November 4, 1472)
- As fore the delyueraunce off the rynge to Mestresse Jane Rothon, i dowt nott but it shall be doon in the best wyse so þat ye shall geet me a thank moore than the rynge and I are worthe ore deserue. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, November 8, 1472)
- Item, as for the ryng, it is delyuerd, but I had as gret peyn to make hyr take it as euer I had in syche a mater (Letter from John Paston III to John Paston II, November 24, 1472)
- Item, iiij rynges (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Ryght wyrshypfull and weell belovyd brother, I recomaunde me to yow, letyng yow weet þat I have comonyd wyth yowre freende Dawnson and have receyvyd yowre rynge off hym, and he hathe by myn advyce spoken wyth hyre ij tymes. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, November 20, 1474)
- Sche wyll in no wyse receyve nere kepe yowre rynge wyth hyre, and yit I tolde hyre þat she scholde not be any-thynge bownde therby […] wherffor I sende yow herwyth yowre rynge and the onhappy muskeball also. (Letter from John Paston II to John Paston III, December 11, 1474)
- Syr, Mayster Sampson recomaunde hym on-to yow, and he hathe sende yow a rynge be Edmonde Dorman (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, 1487)
- Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. […] Item, a noble of viij s. iiij d. John Botelerys gere Furst, a peyre botys and a peyre sporys. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- Syngleton, a payr of bottes and a parre of sporris […] Symond Houston, a payre of bottes, a payre of sporis […] Item, a perre of bottes […] Item, a peyr of bottes (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Item, he hathe a peyre botys off Edmond Reedys þe shomakere, whyche Saundre borowyd off hym. (Letter from John Paston II to Margaret Paston, November 1474)
HOSE (see also this linkspage)
- Also, modyr, i beseche yow þat ther may be purueyd some meane þat i myth haue sent me home by þe same mesenger ij peyir hose, j peyir blak and an othyr peyir of roset, whyche be redy made for me at the hosers wyth þe crokyd bak next to þe Blak Freyrs gate wyth-in Ludgate; John Pampyng knowyth hym well j-now. i suppose and þe blak hose be payid for, he wyll send me þe roset vnpayd for. I beseche yow þat þis ger be not forget, for i haue not an hole hose for to do on. I trowe they schall cost bothe peyr viij s. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, September 14, 1465)
- Item, a syde morrey gowne, a dobelet of blak satyn, a payre hosyn, a jakk, the polrondys of a payre bryganders of rede sateyn fugre. Item, a payre of large tabellys of box, price vj s. viij d. […] Item, a payre botys, a payre sporys, a shert, a cappe, a hatte, a dobelet, a payre hosyn, a brydell, ij cropers, v ston of woll, xxx wolfellys, a spere staff. Shepe […] Memorandum, a gowne of Richard Calle pris ix s., j peyre hosen iij s., j swerd iij s., ij bonetes ij s. … [unclear ] j jakke xxvj s. viij d., j scherte iij s. iiij d. […] Item, a seyde gowne of Wykys. Ser John Pastounys gere hadde owt of þe Chaumbre Furst, a seydde morrey gowne, a dowbelett of blake sateyn, a peyre hozyn, a jackke, the mahuturs of a peyre bryngaunderys of welluett, and the perhawys of þe seyd bryngaunderys. […] Item, a cappe and an hatt, a dowbelett, a peyre hozyn. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- an hose clothe
- an hoseclothe off blak fore yow (Letter from John Paston II to Edmond Paston II, July 5, 1473)
- Item, iij payre of hossen […] Item, ij payr of hosson […] Item, ij payre of hossen […] Item, a payre of cremessen hossen […] Item, a payre of new hosson […] Item, a payre of hossen […] Item, a payr of hossen, a payr of schon […] Item, a payre of hossen […] Item, a peyre of hossen […] Richard Charlys, a payr of hossen […] Item, ij [payre] of hossen […] Item, ij peyr of hossen (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Also I beseche yow to sende me a hose clothe, on for þe halydays of sum colore and a-nothyr for þe workyng days, how corse so euer it be it makyth no matyr (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, November 7, 1478)
PATTEN (see also this linkspage)
- iij peyere of pateyns – I pray ȝow late Wylliam Mylsant purvey fore þem. I was wonte to pay but ij d. ob. fore a payere, but I pray ȝow late them not be left behynd þow I pay more. They must be lowe pateyns; late them be long j-now and brod vp-on þe hele. (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, November 18, 1471)
- Item, a gyrdyll, a payre of patanys […] Item, a peyr of patanys, a cappe of violet (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Item, ij payre schon […] Item, a payre of schon […] Item, a payre of shon […] Item, a pare of schon […] Item, a payr of hossen, a payr of schon […] Item, a payre of schon […] Item, iij peyr of shoys (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Also I beseche yow to sende me a hose clothe, on for þe halydays of sum colore and a-nothyr for þe workyng days, how corse so euer it be it makyth no matyr; and a stomechere, and ij schyrtys, and a peyer of sclyppers. (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, November 7, 1478)
- I receyued a letter from yow, in the wyche letter was viij d., wyth þe whyche I schuld bye a peyer of slyppers (Letter from William Paston III to John Paston III, February 23, 1479)
- Item, iiij payre of sokkes […] Item, ij payre of sockes […] Item, a payr of sokkes (Inventory, not long after 1473)
Other Accessories
FRONTLET ('a band for the forehead'?)
- Item, I bequethe to my doughter Margaret Broun my fruntelet of purpill veluet, my beste girdill whereof the herneys is siluer and gilt and the corse is of damaske goolde, and also myn fruntelet of crymsyn velvet. […] Item, I geve and bequethe to my doughter Elsabeth Whynbergh […] a fruntelet of crymsyn velvet. (Will of Margaret Paston, widow of Edmond Paston, November 24, 1504)
- Item, to my cosyn Margaret Palmer my best bonett and best frontlett to the same; and to my cosyn Alys Petham my secunde bonett and frontlett; and to my cosyn Thomas Waserers wif another frontlett of veluett. (Will of Agnes Paston, widow of John Paston III, May 31, 1510)
GLOVE (see also this linkspage)
- Item, a payre of dowbyll glovys, furredde with lambe […] Item, a payre spores, a pare of glovis […] Item, a pare of furred glovys […] Item, a payre of glovys and a hatt […] Item, a peyre of glovys of otter (Inventory, not long after 1473)
KERCHIEF (An etymological relative of 'coverchief,' a word for a veil or headcloth -- see references in the Canterbury Tales -- but can also appear as a neckerchief, as referenced in an entry below.)
- a fyne kerchy of fyne holond cloth […] Item, a fyne cerche of hollonde clothe. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- I pray you remembre a kerchye of cremyll for your suster Anne. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, March 12, 1469; Anne would have been 14 at the time)
- I pray yow fore-gete not to send me a kersche of cremelle fore nekkerchys fore yowr syster Anne, for I am schente of þe good lady þat sche is wyth be-cawse sche hathe non, and I can non gette in alle thys towne. (Letter from Margaret Paston to John Paston II, April 3, 1469)
- Item, a kerchei of lawn […] Item, a kerchei of therd […] Item, a kerchey therd, and ther-in was vj s. viij d. […] Item, a kerchei of therd […] Item, iij gyrdylles and a cerchey (Inventory, not long after 1473)
- Item, a payre of dowbelet slevys of blake […] Item, a payre of slevys of rosset (Inventory, not long after 1473)
TIPPET (here, probably, 'an ornamental piece of cloth … worn separately covering the shoulders')
- that ye inquere where William Paston bought his tepet of fyne worsted whech is almost like silk (Letter from John Paston I to Margaret Paston, September 20, 1465)
- Item, a tepett of sarsanett. (Inventory of goods stolen soon after October 17, 1465)
- Ye may send mony by Jwdé for my sustyr Annys hood and for þe tepet of sersenet, viij s. a yerd of damask and v s. for sarsenet; hyr hood wyll take iij quarters. (Letter from John Paston III to Margaret Paston, about October 1467)
- I had a promyse of Masteres Elyzabet of a typet of welvet […] I haue desyered hym to lend me a gown of puke, and I haue send hym a typet of welvet to boredyre yt rown [unclear] d a-bowthe […] Also I pray ȝow þat þe weluet þat levyt of my typet may be send hom a-geyn, fore I woold strype a dobelet there-wyth. (Letter from Edmond Paston II to John Paston III, October 18, 1471)
- As for youre teppet of velvet, it is not here (Letter from Margery Paston to John Paston III, January 21, 1486)