Goffered, frilled, and fluted veils

The Linkspages at Larsdatter.com

Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince: A Study of the Years 1340-1365 ''Giovanna Cenami's Veil: A Neglected Detail'' in Medieval Clothing and Textiles I ''Unveiling Social Fashion Patterns: A Case Study of Frilled Veils in the Low Countries [1200-1500]'' in Medieval Clothing and Textiles 7 The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics Chaucer and Clothing: Clerical and Academic Costume in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

There are several women’s headdresses in 14th and 15th century Europe in which the veil features a ruffled edge – variously called (based on the style and/or the historian discussing the style) a “goffered veil,” or a “frilled veil,” or a “fluted veil.” Sometimes, they’re called nebule, or kruseler.

There are several theories as to how such veils would have been constructed; this was the focus of the studies of the Kruseler Research Group. See also the research of Isis Sturtewagen, Camilla Luise Dahl, and Carla Tilghman. (A few more re-creations with demonstrations and experimental techniques are also online: Cailin, Cathrin Åhlén, Chris, Christiana deHuntington, Edyth Miller, Neulakko)

For additional articles on related archaeological finds, see Report on the Textiles from Burgos Cathedral, "Een gouwen rync ende een ransse": de gerimpelde hoofddoek in het modelandschap van de Lage Landen der late middeleeuwen, and Fragment pohřebních šatů a z´voj, tzv. kruseler, z rakve českých královen z královské hrobky v katedrále sv. Víta.

There have been several figurines found with representations of these sorts of headdresses, some of which can be found on the toys linkspage. See also Kruseler Püppchen, Barbiepuppen des Mittelalters, Spielzeug oder Gabenträger, Kruseler und andere Hauben, Spielzeug im Mittelalter, and Mode aus Modeln: Kruseler- und andere Tonfiguren des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum und anderen Sammlungen.

The links below show various depictions of such veils and headdresses, showing the evolution of the style, and the sorts of combinations and arrangements in which they appeared. They also seem to demonstrate a distinct geographic distribution of these sorts of headdresses in medieval Europe.