Merchants' Booths

The Linkspages at

Local Markets and Regional Trade in Medieval Exeter Shopping in the Renaissance: Consumer Cultures in Italy, 1400-1600

The Fairs of Medieval England: An Introductory Study

Life in a Medieval City Peasant Scenes and Landscapes: The Rise of Pictorial Genres in the Antwerp Art Market Medieval Cities: Their Origins and the Revival of Trade

Various types of temporary booths and shelters used by merchants and tradesmen to sell their wares at fairs, festivals, and market-days. The illustrations provide many examples of the different forms of construction of these sorts of booths, as well as how merchandise was laid out and displayed within the booth itself.

More permanent structures can be found on the page for merchant stalls and shops. Elsewhere on this site, there is a page on 18th century merchant booths.

See Goode Cookys Merchant Booth for a great example of a booth based on an example from a 16th century Dutch painting.