Various types of temporary booths and shelters used by merchants and tradesmen to sell their wares at fairs, festivals, and market-days. The illustrations provide many examples of the different forms of construction of these sorts of booths, as well as how merchandise was laid out and displayed within the booth itself.
More permanent structures can be found on the page for merchant stalls and shops. Elsewhere on this site, there is a page on 18th century merchant booths.
See Goode Cookys Merchant Booth for a great example of a booth based on an example from a 16th century Dutch painting.
- The rape of Dinah in the Egerton Genesis (British Library, Egerton MS 1894, fol. 17r), 14th century
- A tent where bread is sold, and a tent as a tavern; Romance of Alexander (Bodley 264, fol. 204r), c. 1338-44
- The fair at Lendit in the Pontifical de Sens (BNF Latin 962, fol. 264r), 14th century
- A marketplace in Le Chevalier errant (BNF Fr. 12559, fol. 167), c. 1400-1405
In whiche principall festfull dayes … the people is wilfully more vexed and defouled in bodely labour, in pycchyng and makyng of Bothis and Stalls. Rolls of Parliament, 5.152a, 1449
- Presentation scene, Chroniques et Conquetes de Charlemagne (Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale 9066), 1460
- The marketplace at Eger, c. 1480-1490
- Tapestry: The village fair, first quarter of the 16th century
- November by Jörg Breu
- A fishwife in the November section of the Augsburger Monatsbilder, 1520s
- The Village Fair by Sebald Beham, 1535
- The village market by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
- Ecce Homo by the Brunswick Monogrammist, c. 1545
- Market Scene by Pieter Aertsen, c. 1550
- Christ and the Adulteress by Pieter Aertsen, 1559
- The Fair of Saint George’s Day by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559-1562
- Ecce Homo by Joachim Beuckelaer, 1566
- Village Festival by Gillis Mostaert
- Detail from A Flemish Village Festival by David Vinckboons, 1608
- Village fair with theater and procession by Pieter Bruegel
- Village Fair by Pieter Baltens (compare to Village Feast by Pieter Brueghel the Younger)
- Village Feast by Joachim Beuchelaer
- Village Feast (Annual Fair) by Hans Bol
- Village Feast by Pieter Brueghel the Younger
- The Kermesse of St. George