Commedia dell’Arte in the 16th and 17th centuries
The Italian Comedy

Lazzi: The Comic Routines of the Commedia dell'Arte

The Comic Mask in the Commedia dell'Arte: Actor Training, Improvisation, and the Poetics of Survival

The Art of Commedia: A Study in the Commedia dell'Arte, 1560-1620, with Special Reference to the Visual Records

Jacques Caillot's ''Pantalone''

This webpage features images related to commedia dell’arte – masks, costumes, and performances. For more information on commedia dell’arte, see these links.

See also Sixteenth Century Images of Commedia, Le grottesche di Palazzo Berla, and Early Paintings of the Commedia dell’ Arte in France, and The Commedia dell'Arte: Its Origins, Development & Influence on the Ballet.

(Additional masks can be found on the masks linkspage.)

There are some interesting 18th century Italian illustrations at Masks of the past.