Includes leather-covered boxes, tooled-leather boxes, etc. There are some cases listed here, but another page on this site focuses on leather cases.
- Large octagonal box with the figure of Dame Minne (Venus) between a pair of lovers, Basel, 14th century (pictures of sides with depictions of men and women here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here)
- Casket, Flanders, first half of the 14th century
- Philadelphia Museum of Art 1930-1-90, a coffer, Italy, 14th century (additional details)
- GNM HG3591, a case, Prague, c. 1350 (also here, here, here, here, here, and here)
- Cleveland Museum of Art 1999.211, a leather casket with scenes of courtly love, France, second half of the 14th century
- GNM HG298, a leather-covered wooden trunk-shaped box with iron fittings, southern Germany, second half of the 14th century
- Cl. 17506, a coffret with scenes of courtly love, and the Virgin and Child on an enclosure in the lid, Flanders, end of the 14th century (more photos)
- GNM HG292, a casket with fabulous animals, Vienna, c. 1400
- Deutsches Ledermuseum in Offenbach 1.31.10, minnekästchen with fabulous animals, Austria, c. 1400 (resembles example above, though it seems to be a different casket)
- Walters 73.14, a casket with scenes from romances, France, early 15th century
- Leather casket from the treasury of St. Johanniskirche in Herford, made in northern Germany in the first half of the 15th century (additional views
here, here, here, here, and here)
- Walters 73.12, a coffret and key, France, c. 1425-1450
- Leather box with curved top, 15th century
- Jewelry-casket, 15th century
- Jewelry-casket, 15th century
- GNM HG295, a coffer shaped like a trunk, 15th century France (also here, here, and here; following restoration, here, here, and here)
- GNM HG296, a coffer shaped like a trunk, 15th century southern Germany (also here and here)
- GNM HG300, casket, southern Germany, 15th century
- GNM HG2484, a case for a lady's belt, 15th century Germany
- Carved-leather box with iron lock, 15th century
- GNM HG293, a box with ivy, animals, and humans; a lady and a unicorn on the front; Franconia, second half of the 15th century
- Christie's Sale 2782, Lot 2, an Italian 'cuir cisele' casket, late 15th century
- Cl. 23527, a messenger's coffret, France, end of the 15th century (more photos)
- Cl. 23533, coffer, northern France or southern Netherlands, end of the 15th or early 16th century (more photos)
- Two carved-leather boxes with iron locks, 15th-16th centuries
- Christie's Sale 2782, Lot 3, an iron-mounted 'cuir cisele' casket, French or German, late 15th/early 16th century
- GNM HG11.635, a casket, Nuremburg?, c. 1500
- Cl. 21360, a coffret with rosettes and rinceaux and a monogram, Italy, c. 1500
- Caskets at Museum Vleeshuis, c. 1500: 31.G.1, 31.G.2, 31.G.3, 31.G.5
- Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum 280, a document-coffer, Leoben, c. 1500
- British Museum 1891,0905.15, a cuir-bouilli casket bound with iron, with an inscription referring to Anne of Brittany, and a single keyhole for double locks with animal head terminals, early 16th century
- A casket with carved or incised decorations, made in Tyrol in 1502 (back)
- Cl. 13119, a leather-covered travel chest made in France in the first quarter of the 16th century
- Carved-leather box with animals and acanthus-leaves, 16th century Germany (side; other side; back?; front)
- Box for writing supplies, gilt & impressed leather, Venice (Turkish work?), 16th century
- Museum Vleeshuis 31.G.32, a casket, 16th century Spain
- Met 67.55.105a, b, coffer with key, leather-covered oak with iron, France, 16th century
- Walters 73.1, a leather box for the pennant of Francis I at the Battle of Pavia, c. 1525
- V&A W.18:1 to 6-1958, travelling trunk which may have belonged to Edward VI, oak with stamped leather, silk linings, and wrought-iron handles; England (perhaps by William Green), c. 1547-1553
- Round box or case, gilt & impressed leather, Italy, c. 1550
- Jewelry-box, Milan, c. 1560
- Jewelry-box with gilt pattern, Italy, middle of the 16th century (top)
- Round box with a gilt pattern, Italy, 16th century
- A painted box from the Netherlands, c. 1555-1565
- Museum Vleeshuis 31.G.20, a footed casket with stamped/gilt decoration, Antwerp, c. 1565
- Museum Vleeshuis 31.G.19, a casket with stamped decoration, Antwerp, c. 1575
- Philadelphia Museum of Art 1930-1-94, a jewelry casket made in Paris (attributed to the Première Palmette Workshop) c. 1575-1585
- Bunratty Castle 115, a document box, late 16th century